author Zoki



  • Some worms can affect humans and images of parasites in the body.
    22 August 2019
  • Pumpkin seeds parasites can be used at absolutely any age. The composition of raw pumpkin seeds is the amino acid that can destroy intestinal parasites and to stop the growth of individuals immature.
    4 July 2019
  • Delivery of the sample of feces needed for the detection of eggs of parasites in the human body. This study can be used in the occupation, the enrolment of a child at the kindergarten, the school or the swimming pool. But more often the diagnosis is necessary because of symptoms of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
    1 June 2019
  • For grab worms can be anyone — Pets, with appliances, dirty hands, raw fish or meat. At the slightest suspicion of infection with helminths, you should consult immediately with a doctor.
    18 May 2019