Signs of the presence of parasites in the human body

Helminthiasis is an unpleasant human disease, not only because of its delicacy, but also because of the serious complications it can cause. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what the symptoms of worms in humans are.

Signs of worms

Identifying helminths can be difficult as some of them do not show up for a long time. Also, the symptoms of worms in an adult can be similar to colds. Many people ask the question "How do I know if I have worms? "It is worth paying attention to the most characteristic signs of parasites in the human body.


The signs of parasites are very different. A sudden rise in temperature should alert a person. It is not the worms themselves that provoke it, but their waste products. Due to worms, the human body experiences intoxication and inflammatory processes begin to develop. Then the immune system turns on, and as a result, the temperature rises. In addition, some types of parasites provoke an allergic reaction, which is also associated with an increase in temperature.


Symptoms of worms in an adult and a child can have different manifestations, including coughing. Many cough because worms have affected the respiratory system. If there is a cough as well as other signs of helminthiasis, then, most likely, a worm infection or ascaris has occurred. It is these types of worms that can provoke a cough.

Skin problems

Signs of parasites in the human body can characterize the appearance of acne or redness on human skin. Skin problems are often seen as symptoms of worm infection. Peeling, itching, redness - these symptoms of parasites in the human body appear due to the active activity of worms or if they are located under the skin layer. The most common causative agent of skin rashes are Ascaris worms, but other representatives are also found. Acne from worms is often a sign of complications or an allergic reaction. With premature treatment, these symptoms of parasites in the body can provoke dermatitis or eczema.

skin problems as a sign of the presence of parasites in the body

Bad breath

Sometimes human helminths appear as bad breath. During parasitism, worms release toxic substances into the gastrointestinal tract. It is the toxins that cause bad breath in humans. The intensity of the aroma may depend on the organ being affected. Almost it is almost impossible to get rid of the smell without treatment of helminthiasis. It is necessary to treat the body for worms. But before that, you need to make sure the smell is exactly because of the parasites. If, with halitosis, there are other symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body, then tests for worm eggs should be done.


Could urticaria be another sign of a person having worms? If you suffer from persistent heartburn for no apparent reason, then it is best to check your body for parasites.

Since most worms infect the stomach and intestines, they disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive tract. This is why worm infection can be associated with heaviness in the abdomen and heartburn.

heartburn can be a sign of the presence of worms in a person


Abdominal pain and bloating are common symptoms of helminthiasis in adults and children. These signs of parasitic infection occur for the same reasons as heartburn. These symptoms of helminthic infestation in adults, as in children, may be associated with loss of appetite.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are signs of helminth infection that are common in children. If the child begins to vomit frequently, vomits and at the same time the stomach begins to ache, then helminthic invasion is quite possible. When, in addition to these signs, there is a sharp decrease or increase in appetite, diarrhea and fatigue, this should be a reason to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests for the presence of helminths.

nausea and vomiting as signs of helminth infection


Worms can cause symptoms such as constipation. Intestinal dysfunction, where parasites live, leads to difficult bowel movements. Also, parasites can cause blockage and blockage of the intestines due to their number or size. Some representatives of helminths cause constipation due to the fact that they are woven into a ball in the intestines.


Symptoms of helminthic infection in adults may appear as diarrhea. This is due to the fact that some representatives of the worms produce substances that disrupt the intestinal microflora. Namely, the level of sodium chloride decreases, which leads to loose stools.

Itching in the anus

Itching in the anal area can be considered as the first sign that parasites have appeared on the body. Itching is especially severe at night. This is due to the fact that worms begin to lay their eggs in the intestinal folds in the anus.

itching in the anus as the first sign of parasite infection

Stomach gas

Signs of the presence of parasites in the human body can be expressed in constant gas. To the question "can a stomach ache with worms", the obvious answer is yes. Worms can cause severe gas formation due to intestinal blockages. This is why people with helminths feel gas in the abdomen.

Weakened immunity

If we talk about what worms are dangerous to humans, the first is, of course, the weakening of the immune system. With their parasitism, helminths disrupt the normal functioning of the body's protective properties. As a result, the body becomes easily vulnerable to various diseases. The appearance of diarrhea or allergic reactions on the skin can be considered as the first signs of worms with weakened immunity.

weakening of immunity in the presence of parasites in the body

Losing or vice versa a sharp weight gain

Symptoms of worm infection can appear in the form of weight loss or vice versa. Certain signs of the presence of worms in the body are problems with weight gain with a normal appetite. Most often, this symptom appears in children. The child does not gain weight for a long time. Such signs of the presence of parasites in the human body appear due to the fact that parasites begin to carry out their active life, receiving the necessary substances from the body. Obesity means that worms have disturbed the human metabolism and the body has suffered severe intoxication. Excessive sweating can also be a sign of worms. Parasitic hyperhidrosis is a consequence of metabolic disorders.

Grinding teeth

Teeth grinding usually occurs during sleep. With worms, this manifestation occurs mainly in children. Rarely, you can find such signs of worms in an adult. Bruxism is associated with a disorder of the nervous system, which is affected by parasites and their toxic vital activity.


Signs of worms in adults and children can appear as irritability or irritability. Rarely, the symptoms of helminth infection are found in the form of depression and apathy. Parasites in the body are capable of disrupting the human nervous system, causing negative consequences.

nervousness as a symptom of the presence of parasites in the body

Chronic Fatigue

Signs of worm infection can appear as chronic fatigue. Can signs of worms appear in the form of rapid fatigue, drowsiness, emotional and physical fatigue? The answer is yes. Signs of worms appearing in this form are associated with the fact that the body stops absorbing the substances needed for energy: nutritional proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Recognizing an invasion by these signs is quite problematic, you need to pay attention to the other symptoms.

Pain in muscles and joints

Adult worms can cause muscle and joint pain. The pain is caused due to the migration of worms into the human body. Symptoms of the presence of worms are caused when parasites infect tissues or cause inflammation in the joints. Quite difficult to understand that you have worms with symptoms such as muscle aches. To understand if there are parasites, other symptoms will help, which will surely appear.


Allergic reactions are not uncommon in people with toxins in their bodies. This manifestation can be dangerous. The risk of having worms in a person in the form of allergies may also include anaphylactic shock. Toxic substances produced contribute to inflammatory processes.

it is necessary to understand that in humans, worms destroy the whole body. Whatever signs appear, they should be recognized as soon as possible. This will help prevent worms from adversely affecting the human body for a long time.

an allergic reaction in the presence of parasites in the body


Worms in humans can serve as a positive factor in the development of cancer. Cancer can occur due to the fact that helminths in adults and children kill the immune system.

This or that symptom will help determine if you have parasites in your body. The main thing is to pay attention to them. The body signals disease through the onset of symptoms of the disease. Timely detection of worm infection will help in quick cure.