Helminths in humans-symptoms, signs, treatment

Infections parasitic are a large group of diseases, pathogens which are microorganisms of the class protozoa and helminths (worms). To date, there are over 200 species of parasites, of which 70 species are found in the European countries and Russia.

Parasites penetrated in the human body, to develop and exist because of the "exploitation" of the resources of the body instead of poisoning it with their waste products, and causing the dysfunction of numerous organs and systems.

In the first stage of development of helminth infection diagnosis of the disease is not feasible, because it still does not feel the presence of parasites and their condition is satisfactory.

Infections parasitic

Even after some time, people still experience discomfort from the presence of parasites in the body, only can sometimes experience minor problems with some organs and systems. In this case, the important factor is the attention to their health. Even a slight illness may be the first alarming signal about the development of the disease begins.

Most of the time the infection was diagnosed accidentally, the result of a routine medical examination or when the person has already sought medical attention as a result of the rapid deterioration of the General conditions.

Classification of parasites

All the parasites can be divided into:

  • protozoa (Giardia, Toxoplasma gondii, Entamoeba histolytica);
  • worms (pinworm, roundworm, Toxocara)

Helminths are a diverse group of parasites, which is characterized by different life cycles, the biological characteristics, distribution in the body and the specific development in him. So klassificeret of the worms on different principles: the structure, life cycle, depending on the location of parasites and the duration of the interaction with the host.

Biological principles can be distinguished:

  1. Bio-helminths (bovine and pork tapeworm, Echinococcus, opisthorchis). The life cycle of these parasites has been carried out in two or even three intermediate hosts, that is to say, of other living organisms.
  2. Geo-helminths (Ascaris, whipworm, Ancylostoma). In the course of its development does not require the change of owner, are excreted together with feces in the environment and are localized in the soil, and at a certain temperature and humidity in the eggs and development of larvae. Eggs containing live larvae enter the body and take the next step of its development.
  3. Pin worms (pinworm, dwarf tapeworm) these parasites are in the environment, along with the feces, and lack of personal hygiene, is an infection oral-fecal route, it is the eggs of these parasites person swallows. The main source of infection dirty hands.

The structure of helminths can be divided into:

  • a few or round worms (pinworm, roundworm,vlasoglavy);
  • trematodes or flukes (Schistosoma, opisthorchis, cat and Siberian Fluke);
  • cestodes or tapeworms (Echinococcus, bovine and pork tapeworm).

The location in the organism are distinguished:

  • intestinal worms (pinworms, roundworm, bovine and pork tapeworm);
  • outside-intestinal tract (alveolar, opisthorchiasis, the species of Trichinella).

Forms of infection by parasites

There are different ways of Contracting worms:

  1. The eating of meat dishes, which is not subject to the quality of the heat treatment, the meat may contain parasites, which are closely fixed in the muscles of large and small cattle, eating the meat of infected people, swine and bovine tapeworm, Echinococcus.
  2. Consumption of salted, smoked, a little sun and raw fish. In the raw fish are opisthorchis and I had, because the life cycle of these parasites involves changing several owners, one of which is the fish.
  3. The use of the raw water from unknown sources, washing dishes, vegetables and fruits in water, for example, on vacation.
  4. At the time of work in the garden without protective gloves, and geo-helminths can get in the hands, and the hands to the mouth. You can also get infected by this type of parasites through the dirty vegetables, herbs and fruits of the forest.
  5. Through contact with pets. Domestic dogs and cats are carriers of many parasites. Especially do not allow Pets to sleep in the same bed with the people or allow them to lick the hands and face of a person.
  6. The source of infection people can be infected with an acute form of helminthiasis.

The symptoms of worms in adults

The fatigue

Signs of worms in humans occur already in an advanced stage of the infection. Of course, some of the signals that the body gives at the beginning of the disease, it is time to pay attention to them and interpret correctly. In the early stages of the penetration of parasites in the human body can experience symptoms minors, which can be taken as a result of other diseases:

  • fatigue;
  • frequent headaches,
  • the growing weakness;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the loss of weight without apparent reason;
  • apathy and depression.

The next phase of development of the helminth infection, there is a General Allergy of the body. On the skin of the patient appear different types of eruptions, and clinical and blood tests reveal an increase in eosinophils, indicating the development of allergic reactions.

When the parasite becomes an adult and is localized in a particular organ, symptoms appear, is characteristic for the presence of parasites. Most often, the worms are placed in a thin or large intestine, therefore, experience symptoms characteristic for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of dyspepsia (fermentative and putrefactive phenomena):

  • pain in the navel;
  • the loss or lack of appetite;
  • in some cases, increased appetite;
  • flatulence; rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • swelling.

The following is the development of anemia and vitamin a deficiency, because the person does not have the nutrients that interception of parasites. In this case, the person feels:

  • of chronic fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • the growing weakness;
  • headaches.

In severe advanced cases, observed the development of serious diseases that require treatment urgent:

  • allergic myocarditis;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • hepatitis or disorders of hemostasis;
  • hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • the decrease in the protective forces of the body (malfunctioning of the immune system);
  • type of alteration in the endocrine system;
  • lymph nodes.

The decrease in the protective forces of the body increases the likelihood of developing viral and bacterial infections. But in children, the parasites cause the delay in physical growth and mental development. The symptoms of worms in humans are common, however, different types of parasites and their location in the body contributes to the development of characteristic symptoms of the affected organs.


The clinical picture of the invasion of different species of parasites

Depending on the helminth living within the body, the symptoms can be very diverse.

For example, when enterobiasis the most important symptoms are:

  • itching in the anus;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • wolverina girls in contact with the parasite in the mucosa at the vaginal.

The initial phase of ascariasis, which is called migration, is manifested in the form of:

  • pulmonary diseases: bronchitis, laryngitis, or tracheitis.

Intestinal form of ascariasis observed:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the lesions on the skin;
  • increase of eosinophils in blood.

In severe advanced cases, observed:

  • the violation of the integrity of the intestinal wall;
  • with the subsequent development of peritonitis and appendicitis (in contact with Ascaris in the Appendix);
  • liver;
  • obstruction of the bowel (blockage in the lumen of the intestine).

During the infection of the cestode (tapeworms) in the process of defecation, together with the faeces are part of the parasite. In this scenario, you experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the growing weakness;
  • dizziness and headaches,
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • the decrease in body mass.

With the progression of the disease is not severe anemia that is caused by lack of vitamin b 12 and iron.

Opisthorchis its presence in the body may cause serious injuries of the bile ducts of the liver, the gallbladder and ducts of the pancreas. Since the presence of parasites in these organs, creating an obstacle to the exit of bile, the development of cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, pancreatitis. Inflammatory processes in these organs accompanied by an increase of the temperature, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, pain in the region of the gallbladder (biliary colic), nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The presence of Trichinella in the body causes serious damage of muscles: intercostal, chewing, the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, the eyes, the diaphragm.

Hookworm, vlasoglavy, shistosoma, had in the body due to anemia, intestinal dysbiosis, deficiency, metabolic disorders. And in the urine-sexual schistosomiasis appears this symptom is urinating with blood.

When alveococcosis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis initial stage, is almost asymptomatic, but when the acute stage of development go on to suppuration and rupture of small cysts with parasites, which leads to very serious consequences:

  • the peritonitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • the damage to the blood vessels and chronic bleeding (hookworm feed on blood);
  • the Central nervous system.

Worms Strongyloides cause the development of allergic reactions, pathology of the bile ducts and diseases of the digestive system.

A had

A test to determine the presence of parasites in the body

With this test we can detect the presence of parasites in the body. For this you just have to answer the following questions:

  1. You have itching in the anus?
  2. Is there any skin rash?
  3. Do you feel nausea?
  4. There is vomiting?
  5. If there is insomnia?
  6. There is a bitter taste in the mouth? And with what frequency?
  7. Enlarged lymph nodes?
  8. How many times have muscle pain? What is its intensity?
  9. There is a loss of body weight?
  10. There is a loss of appetite?
  11. If symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, reduction of concentration and efficiency?

If the received 10 positive responses, we can deduce the presence of helminth infection with a high degree of probability. All these symptoms observed in the acute phase of the disease. Because in this period the worms are more active and have a significant impact on the body.

Prevention of anti-worm infestations

Prevention of helminthiasis primarily boils down to the personal hygiene:

  • wash your hands often;
  • frequent change of underwear and bed linen;
  • timely and qualitative cleaning of premises;
  • the use of individual items for the home: linen, kitchenware, etc.;
  • timely deworming of domestic animals;
  • quality of heat treatment of meat products and fish;
  • the rejection of the use of raw fish, gently eat salty, dry, smoked and a bit of salt fish;
  • all garden work gloves of protection;
  • use only clean water for drinking;
  • do not swim in unknown waters.
  • to carry out the drug prevention of helminthiasis twice a year: in spring and in autumn.