How to take tansy of parasites

Worm infestation is considered as a common illness. For the control of organisms harmful apply effective medicines and medicinal plants. One of the most popular folk remedies tansy is of parasites. How to accept what is useful and what is not should make use of the vegetation cover in this article.


Inflorescence, so-called, the Rowan have unique properties to help get rid of Giardia, pinworms and ascarids. This species of plant is used in many countries as the official anthelmintic natural drug. To consume it under a special regime, to respect the duration of the therapy, and to cook strictly by the recipe. The grass is not considered completely safe, so before taking consult your doctor.

Useful properties

Tansy has had a negative effect on the parasites, thanks to its particular composition. Contains mono-Turpin, which can cause paralysis of the muscles of the malicious worms. This ingredient in small doses, is safe for humans and even allows you to add the food products, giving them a tart taste. The presence of bitterness creates unfavourable conditions for the coexistence and reproduction of helminths in the digestive tract.

Tansy consists of the following useful components:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tanning substances;
  • polysaccharides;
  • essential oil;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic compounds.

In addition, the herb promotes the excretion of toxins accumulated in the process of the vital activity of parasites. In addition, it improves the heart and blood vessels, quickly restores and nourishes damaged tissue. The result speeds up the healing process of the patient and the improvement of their health in general.

The characteristics of the impact

Tansy is included in the list of crops that have a bitter taste. In practice, it has been shown that this substance is a good antagonist of the malicious worms that are parasitic in the digestive system.

Worms live and prosper in an environment enriched with a lot of sugar. The presence of bitterness in the environment affects their growth and development.

Effect of tansy for worm infestations

Effect of tansy in helminth infection does not ends here. In addition to toxic effects, which helps to remove the still-living parasites from the body. The plant gradually builds in the colon in its walls. And at the time of the download worms leave the human body, together with the faeces.

Safety deposit box at the reception of the wild Rowan

Before resorting to this method of getting rid of the alien menace worms, you must learn the rules of the reception of this plant. Pest Control uses the flowers and seeds or the powder of the dry crushed grass. To enable the use of tansy for worms in the form of infusion, decoction and alcohol tincture.

A medicinal drink can not drink for a long time, because it contains the substance thujone, which in high doses can cause hallucinations, clouding of consciousness and mental disorders.

The admission of the national drugs twice a year, with the course duration not more than a week. After consumption, which should only take a laxative drug, which is necessary for cleaning the digestive tract of dead parasites.

Where to find

Perennial tansy is included in the family Asteraceae. It grows in areas of temperate climate. Can be found almost everywhere. Flowers of yellow colour found on the edges of the forest, in meadow steppes, near the water, in open, Sunny fields. The plant blooms July–August and fruits ripen in September. In self-assembled grass to preserve the highest concentration of nutrients.

The most important thing, to be collected in ecologically clean areas, far from roads and industrial areas.

Wild Rowan can be found and purchased at the pharmacy. The price varies from 50 to 90 rubles. In addition, there are capsules or tablets of herb dried, intended for the destruction and elimination of pests harmful to the body.

How to harvest

If you harvest the plant yourself, you need to dry it in the open air, avoid direct sunlight or in a well ventilated area. Periodically stir the mixture.

A pressed flower should be stored in paper bags or bags of cotton.

For anti-parasite recipes used wild Rowan collected two years ago. The old grass not already have all the useful features.

Dried flowers can be ground in a coffee grinder for an easy and correct application. The place where the raw materials must be dry. Only in the compliance of all the tips on collection and preparation of the tansy its medicinal value remains unchanged.

Tea with tansy

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Drink tansy parasites has with great care, observing strictly the dosage in recipes. Because of the toxic component to be treated in this way should be no more than a week. If there is a need to extend the course, it is best to take a break for a few days, then resume. Special care must be taken during the therapy, children, people with chronic diseases and old age.

The contraindications for the use of tansy:

  • ages of the children;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • in the period of lactation;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of neoplasms of undetermined etiology;
  • allergies;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the hyperthermia;
  • SARS;
  • ulcer gastric and ulcer duodenal.

The following adverse reactions are:

  • headaches,
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • bowel disorders;
  • painful sensations in the stomach.

To try if the herb by pregnant women and children

Women in the position of the way of dealing with parasites is contraindicated. The plant leads to an inflammatory process in the uterus and miscarriage. Promotes the contraction of the muscles, causing contractions in a pregnant woman. Toxic substances tansy negatively affect the development and formation of the fetus. Therefore, the Anthelmintics prohibited to take in the year of the baby.

Tansy against the worms given to children only in the form of decoction, while observing carefully the dose of the preparation. The drug should not be used for the treatment of parasites infants up to 3 years, as the cause of several disorders in a small body. Infusion of herbs recommended to take the child 3 times daily in the following proportions:

  • 3 to 7 years: 1 tablespoon;
  • 7 to 10 years: 50 ml.;
  • from 10 to 14 years of 75 ml.;
  • over 14 years of 100 ml.
The flowers of tansy

To medicate of not. Only a doctor must decide how to make tansy, in what dose and how many days.

Popular recipes

All parts of the plant are equally useful and are used for therapeutic purposes. Of tansy is prepared: decoction, alcohol tincture, tea or powder.

From the method of preparation depends directly on the efficiency of anthelmintic remedies.

Tansy pure

To get rid of parasites in this respect, it is necessary a powder of the dried flowers of the herb. It is easy to make, store and eat.

To do this:

  1. Grind in a mortar and pestle or a coffee grinder main ingredient.
  2. To put it in a special container tightly sealed.

Ready means that you should eat 0.5 teaspoon before meals twice a day.

The duration of optimal therapy is 5 days.

It is important that during treatment, the powder of tansy was not included in the human respiratory tract, may cause various diseases. In order to avoid these moments, you can pre-pour in a glass of warm water or mix with honey. In the second case, a bitter taste in the mouth is not pronounced, and that makes the plant medicine is much more pleasant.

Seed powder

According to many experts in the field of herbal medicine, the seed powder of the plant is more efficient than the decoction of inflorescences. Liquid funds absorbed in the stomach in large quantities, and the intestine, which is the home of the main parasites, the fall in small quantities. Therefore, a positive result can only be achieved during long-term therapy.

The powder of the seeds of tansy being in the digestive tract, almost never processed by the stomach, and no changes is in the large intestine. The consumption dose for adult is 0.5 teaspoons before meals twice a day. The course of treatment of a tool is much shorter. It may take 3 to 5 days, as it achieves the effect faster.


Cup of parasites prepared from 2 tablespoons of inflorescences of tansy, which are filled with a liter of water. In a water bath the mixture is brought to a boil, then infused for about two hours.

Prepared an anthelmintic drug should drink warm at 50 ml after meals 3 times a day. The course is one week.

The patient must be sure to keep the proportion while cooking, herbal tea and adhering to the admission of the natural rules of the medication. To keep the beverage in cool place. Expiry date — day.

In the preventive purposes it is sufficient to drink the infusion once a week for several months.

Tansy and pumpkin seeds

Tansy and pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds have potent antiparasitic activity. That contain cucurbitina, which is a toxic substance. He has contributed to the loss of almost all types of worms, small and large animals, as it has a toxic effect on your muscles, eggs and larvae. As a result, the parasites lose their ability to cling to the intestinal mucosa, proliferate actively, and excreted with feces.

When used together, tansy and pumpkin seeds properties of these components complement each other, giving the worms a harmful effect. For the preparation of folk remedies need: 10 g inflorescences and 70 g sunflower seeds shelled. The Components have to grind to a fine powder.

The mixture daily take 1 tablespoon before eating. The patient to solve their problems, only three days of therapy.

"Russian triptych"

If you are combining several anthelmintic herbs, the effect will come after a couple of days after the use of the funds. Russian triptych known for many decades as a powerful herbal remedy against parasites.

The main components:

  • the flowers of tansy — 3 g;
  • wormwood — G. 1;
  • carnations — 1.5 g.

The compound does not require heat treatment, infusion or brewing. Only needs to be divided into 3 parts:

  1. The first day of admission eaten 1 dose 30 min.before meals.
  2. On the second day of treatment — 2 doses.
  3. On the third day — 3 dose.

You will have to repeat the day 3 treatment before the end of the week. For prevention, take a dose of 1 time per week for 3 months.

For the convenience of the consumer is allowed to dilute means a small amount of water.

Everything you need to make the prescription and abide by the rules of admission.

Tincture of tansy

To prepare the tincture of tansy will need: 100 ml of vodka (you can use 70% alcohol) and 25 g of inflorescences. The flowers have to pour alcohol and leave for 10 days. The solution should be periodically stir. The medicinal herbs stored in a dark place at room temperature.

Take 30 drops of tincture in an hour after dinner in the evening for 6-7 days. Before consumption the product can be diluted with a glass of water.

Diseases of the digestive tract tincture in its pure form it is forbidden to drink, as alcohol irritates the mucous membranes of the organs. To avoid the deterioration of the health, you should consult with your doctor.

Chicory, tansy and yarrow

Chicory, tansy and yarrow

A decoction of tansy, chicory and yarrow, too, is confronted also with helminthiasis. For effective pest control should be well prepared:

  1. All components of the collection, in the same proportion to 1 teaspoon of the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. The product to be heated in a water bath at low heat for about 20 min.

Cook it for a long time is impossible, as a long time heat treatment promotes the loss of useful properties of the plants. The prepared decoction is taken three times a day 100 ml. after meals for 7 days.

This drink helps to get rid of dangerous pests and to purify the body of accumulated toxins.