How to get rid of worms in humans

In order to understand, it is the therapy or not, you need to know what is the output of worms after the treatment in humans.
If the action to remove parasites produced incorrectly, you may need a second course of treatment or the intake of certain medications.

worms in humans

Types of diseases with parasites

Helminthiasis — a disease that occurs due to the activity of the parasites in the human body.

  • live in the intestinal flora of the site;
  • hopper;
  • life outside of the intestine.

Among the Russian population common worms agents that is ascariasis, cat Fluke, and pinworms.

Signs of ascariasis

Ascariasis may be infected while eating raw vegetables and fruits of the forest.
Contamination of the hands can also cause the formation of the disease. In the early days, the disease may manifest as poor health, loss of strength.

Possible manifestation of allergic reactions, symptoms itchy and similar to hives rashes. Day 4, the possible existence:

  • the disappearance of appetite;
  • problems with the chair;
  • pain in the region umbilical, and also below the ribs;
  • nausea.

Rarely, you may experience headache, loss of sleep, dizziness. The symptoms largely depend on the active form of the parasites, as in the mists of time, its activity increases.

The symptoms of opisthorchiasis

signs of worms

Opisthorchiasis (cat Fluke) arises from the Siberian Fluke. The source of infection is both man and the animals. Intermediate carriers are molluscs of fresh water.

People infected with the parasite at the time of use of the affected raw, salted or frozen fish.

Acute phase is characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature, allergic symptoms, and muscle aches. If you ignore timely treatment of the acute phase spills over into the chronic form.

This stage in women the symptoms are similar to cholecystitis in men with gastroduodenitis.

Signs of pinworms

Pinworms are quite common among the diseases. The infection occurs by direct contact with a carrier of the disease, or the use of different objects that pinworms have time to lay eggs.
The early stage of the infection does not have symptoms.

During an exacerbation there is itching in the anus and in the genital area. You may experience sleep disorder, irritability.

Signs of the presence of parasites in the body

The main factors of the presence of worms in the human body are:

  • a strong increase of temperature;
  • allergic eruptions;
  • the loss of sleep;
  • cough;
  • problems with the chair;
  • increased salivation;
  • problems with the digestive system, bloating;
  • the weight loss;
  • bad breath;
  • impairment of appetite.

Not always all the symptoms can appear even if a person in a day. Preferably, when the first symptoms to immediately consult a specialist for the provision of specific analysis and treatment.

How dangerous are roundworms to humans

The danger of worms in the body, is that its presence is very rare to identify specific characteristics.

People can be treated over a long period of time, not to suspect that the true cause of disease is parasites. If they are not quickly eliminated, can cause a progressive destruction of the internal system.
During the migration of the larvae may be obstruction of the bowel or bronchus.

Trichuriasis reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid in the formation of juice gastric. Because of this disturbed digestive process, reduces the body's resistance to various germs that increase the risk of food poisoning.

worms in a child

How dangerous are worms for the baby

The worms are dangerous to the child's body, as they are able to inhibit physical, sexual, mental development of the child.

If the worms of the creature though, as it can cause anemia and adversely affect the ability to remember.

In some cases there may be a deterioration of health.
The worms can cause a weakening of the immune system, and some types of parasites can be a source of cancer tumors in the organs in which it is installed.

Drugs against worms in humans

There are many ways of dealing with parasites. The following are common medications in the fight against the parasites.


In order not to harm your body or worsen the disease, it is advisable to visit a specialist, to pass the necessary tests to identify the parasites. And only then started to therapeutic action, as self-treatment does not always produce positive results.