Parasites in humans: symptoms and treatment

Most people do not even think about what is inside of your body someone alive. We're talking about parasites. Someone thinks that because in her house the animals, but the hands washed after each exit to the street, the risk of invasion is minimal. This is not so. According to medical statistics, parasites in the human body are present in almost 50% of cases. Worms, for example, are the most ancient creatures parasites in the human body. They are so adapted to the inner life of the people, often, their presence does not manifest itself and the media seems to be that the infected are asymptomatic.

In reality, the symptoms were always there, it is important to see the warning signs. Today we are going to see what are the symptoms that indicate the presence of infection, what measures to take to prevent infestations and how the treatment can be directed against the parasites, if they are detected.

parasites in the human body

The symptoms of infestation

The biggest problem from the point of view of the detection of parasites in the body – the diversity of symptoms that can be confused, not only of the person but also the doctor, the patient asked for advice. Depending on the species, location and life cycle, the parasites appear in a different way. Sometimes people don't notice most of the symptoms, stop the attention on a single (for example, pain in the lungs). As a result of the patient is treated by identifying the disease if it were present, if not sent home for lack of the clinical picture.

Therefore, it is important to see a picture of your overall health, observing global changes in the state. Medicine stands out more than a dozen signs of infestation. Consider these symptoms in the form of a table.

Indication of parasites in the body?

Symptom What happens in the body?
Allergic reactions If the man suddenly begins to suffer from Allergy symptoms, should be tested for parasites. The fact that the selection of pests, toxins, and the body's immune system can respond to the production of increasing the amount of cells defensive, in turn causing irritations and allergies.
Pain in muscles and joints Parasites can live in connective tissues, joint fluids and muscles. In movement, which causes pain, which many attributed to arthritis, injuries or tension. In fact pain in muscles and joints may indicate inflammation resulting from the activity of parasites.
Anemia Protozoa that live in the bloodstream of human, that feed on the blood cells and can cause significant loss. Anemia caused by parasites, sucking the nutrients from the intestine of the host, including iron.
Headaches Regular pain in the head, dizziness, nausea indicate intoxication of the body due to the infestation parasitic.
Reasonable decrease/increase the weight The lack of weight is due to the internal consumers of food, who eat the same as the people. Increase the weight associated with the fact that the body on the contrary, it loses nutrients, people are constantly experiencing spikes in blood sugar and the feeling of hunger.
Sleep disorders Frequent awakenings, nervous and light sleep are often associated with infection parasitic. The liver is trying to purge toxic substances secreted by parasites, and usually its activity falls in the middle of the night. Also, the person may be concerned about the itching of the anus, not giving to sleep.
Bruxism (grinding of the teeth during sleep) Teeth grinding is one of the symptoms of infestation with parasites, especially frequent in children. It is believed that the nerve endings react to intoxication and inflammation.
Itching in the anus Helminths often manifest themselves by itching at the anus, most often this symptom occurs in children.
Violations of the chair Constipation or diarrhea possible symptoms indicative of parasites that live in the intestine. The constipation related to the fact heavy and all lead to the obstruction of the duct intestinal, diarrhea.
The irritation of the bowel When the inflammation of the walls of the body, the parasites cause the cider irritable bowel syndrome. This process impairs the absorption of nutrients, and also makes impossible the absorption of fats in the right of the division, resulting in spasms and pain.
Swelling Swelling, feeling full, bloating of the abdomen is a great sign of the presence of parasites in the body. To pay attention to this symptom is necessary if the gases pass regardless of the meal.
Skin problems Hives, acne, eczema, dermatitis and other rashes in the skin – a sign that the body is infested with parasites. The results of their activity has a negative impact on the digestive tract, which inevitably "spread" and in the skin.
Disorders of the nervous system Irritability, nervousness, depression and feelings of sadness can be symptoms of infection. Systematic poisoning of the body leads to alterations in the nervous system, especially the figure relevant for children. Causeless crying, whims, and fears can be quite "physical" in the background.
Chronic fatigue Apathy, lethargy and lack of will to carry out even minimal physical activity – "Hello" in the body of the suffering the toxicity and deficiency of nutrients which the parasites are stealing.
Immunity reduced Frequent viral and bacterial diseases, disorders of the microflora, colds and infections – the symptoms of the invasion. Parasites weaken the immune system, the reduction of the production of immunoglobulin.
General disorders of health, pain in various organs Depending on the location of the parasites can interfere negatively with any of the body: lungs, heart, brain, liver or pancreas.
The development of tumors and formations The above signs and symptoms, especially in combination, cause the appearance of several tumors, including cancer. Exhausted parasites, the organism is not capable of dealing with your growth.
diagnosis of parasites

The above symptoms rarely occur in a moment for that to happen, an infestation parasitic you have to be very strong. But the combination of three or four things happen everywhere. Look at the example of specific infections:

  1. Ascarids – pain intestinal, disorders of the chair, dysfunction of the liver and the pancreas.
  2. Pinworms is burning sensation and itching around the anus, diarrhea, swelling, bruxism, nervous system disorders, loss of appetite, headaches.
  3. Lantecy – weight loss, allergic reactions, disorders of immunity, intestinal disease.

Diagnosis of parasites

If a person find yourself or your loved ones some of the above symptoms, it is recommended to examine to be sure to detect parasites in the body. For this you can refer to our family doctor (or paediatrician, if we are talking about the child) to the appropriate destination. In general, the officer writes out the instructions for the analysis of blood, saliva, and feces.

Modern medicine also offers immune testing for infestation parasitic, as well as comprehensive testing to reveal a specific group of parasites. Unfortunately, these complex analyses are pay-per-view and can go to private clinics. But the results point definitely to the specific species of pests, which allows you to assign an adequate treatment.

There is no cure, just as effective influence in all the groups of parasites. In appointing the drug should take into account the degree of development of the pest, as the drugs that act on the eggs, you can't hit adults. So to begin therapy is when they are already in the analysis and their definitions. Usually doctors use several types of drugs, which are described below.

Treatment of the infestations parasitic

Anti-parasites drugs, existing in the present, have a broad spectrum of activity, that is to say, cover several types of parasitic organism in the human beings. However, as mentioned above, each drug has a specific activity, and is assigned after diagnosis. However, in the medicine of the Arsenal, in the case of infestation, there are a dozen vehicles (and their analogues), which have proven to be safe and effective.

The first group of drugs used in the detection on the body of round worms, nematodes, helminths. Medications are prescribed if the person is infected with such parasites as pinworms, ascarids, vlasoglavy, Trichinella, and the like.

The second group of drugs is effective against tape worms, cestodes tapeworms. These include broad tapeworm, trematodes, nan, pork and beef tapeworm – these parasites are the most common.

It is understood that when infected with parasites of a member of the family, with a probability of 99% of the rest of the members of the household are also carriers of these pests. In consequence, to undergo diagnosis and treatment is recommended for the whole family. The same applies to small groups of people, closely related to the communication with others (daycare, for example).

The traditional methods of getting rid of parasites

the traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of parasites is very complicated by the fact that in the process of life that continually reproduce, therefore, in the human body, at the same time there are eggs and larvae, and adults. Reception of pharmaceutical products is usually unique, and repeat in 10-14 days to rid your body of the people who grew up during this time. Also a good option is a subsidiary, group therapy, able to support traditional medical treatment.

Start the treatment of parasites with home methods, talk to your doctor. Not all the recipes are equally safe, depending on the age and condition of the patient, which may be inappropriate.

We offer several popular recipes, proven over the years, and has the largest number of positive comments from people who have recovered from parasites in this way.

Tincture of wormwood. Tablespoon chopped dry sage pour 100 ml of alcohol and insist two weeks in a cool dark place. the liquid is then filtered and consumed three times a day 20 drops before meals.

Seeds of pumpkin. Without salt fresh shelled pumpkin seeds (300 grams) are ground in a coffee grinder, then combine with honey and water (1:1). The mixture should be eaten with an empty stomach, and then another three hours can not eat, then you need to take a laxative. The fact that pumpkin seeds contain special substance that paralyzes pests, and temporarily robs them of the possibility of being connected to the walls of the organs.

Mushroom dyeing. It is preferable to use porcini or chanterelles as they contain a substance that kills both adult worms and larvae. A handful of fresh mushrooms, pour a glass of vodka and insist for two weeks, and then the liquid is filtered and drink a tablespoon before you go to sleep. Of course, this method is not suitable for pregnant women and children.

Peel a pomegranate. 50 grams of fresh pomegranate skin pour two cups of boiling water and boil on the fire until the liquid reduces the volume by half. After the infusion cup in a gulp, half an hour later take laxatives. For four hours to abstain from food. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended enema.

A decoction of cloves. The dry grains are ground to powder, a teaspoon of that pour a glass of boiling water and warm in a water bath for minutes, then cover with a lid and insist in half an hour. This infusion is fresh, a teaspoon three times a day, half a HR before a meal.

Get rid of parasites with the traditional methods, it will be much more effective if you operate in the complex. In the first place, you need to consult a doctor, get tested and learn their results. Series of drugs, must be done strictly according to the prescribed scheme. In advance discuss with your doctor the desire to use the people's recipes and together determine the best option. The last step to a cure is prevention. About this talk below.

Prevention of the infestation

Important role in preventive activities aimed at reducing the risks of infection, is hygiene. Even adults that are very aware of the need to respect the rules of hygiene is often forgotten. Meanwhile, the doctors insist that preventive measures can reduce the half risk of infection. For hygiene regulations compulsory for children and adults, and includes:

  1. Thorough hand-washing with soap and water after each arrival from the street, the contact with animals).
  2. Treatment of hands with antiseptic gels or wipes.
  3. Daily change of underwear (above must be of iron with an iron hot).
  4. Weekly change of bed linen and towels (washed in hot water).
prevention of parasites

A child must be taught not to swallow dirty hands, not share food with their mates, biting one another. The child needs to explain the dangers of the ingestion of earth, bacteria and parasites. Especially carefully it is necessary to wash hands after working with the land, and outdoor recreation.

As a daily precaution against parasites can be added to foods hot spices and condiments – most pests can't stand. It is recommended to eat onion and garlic, to use when cooking pepper, large, well.


Regular maintenance and attention to the most minor signs of infestation – simple rules that will protect the whole family of problems. For personal hygiene, food preparation and control of children and Pets must be treated with the utmost responsibility. Take care of your health!