Worms (worms)

Helminthic infestation (helminthiasis) — cause diseases in humans, parasitic worms (worms, worms), living inside the body.

What Are Wolf

What is this?

About 300 human diseases currently known worm. Separate intestinal and extraintestinal accept them. As the name suggests, in the first case, the larvae and worms living in the intestine, and second — except her: Nov, lungs, liver, etc is considered a parasite because it is one of the most common bowel disease: enterobiasis and askariazis.

Why Enterobiasis tiny parasitic worms — pinworms. Length exceeding 1 cm, one end of a generally conical worm them, and the other is rounded. Pinworms may vary white and yellowish color, almost black. These nocturnal worms: dark creep the woman the rectum, the skin around the anus, eggs, skin folds, and themselves destroyed.

Life expectancy pinworms — a-half months.

Why Askariazis bigger worms — round. They are long-20 cm so that they reach the parasitic roundworm, mostly in the small intestine, therefore it is difficult to keep exploring them. Lifetime round — a few years.


Soil contaminated with bowel movements infection are usually intestinal worms dying. For example, if your nails are clean and wash your hands after working with soil, contaminated vegetables, fruits and berries. Also, the latest role-playing infection intestinal worms flies. They tolerate the worms will eat the eggs on their feet and body. Also infection, intestinal worms, ingested water while bathing water and possible random. Children are often infected with intestinal worms pets.

What's going on?

Triple in the body of a grown man awaits the uninvited guest a protective barrier. The first enzymes in the oral cavity, while the second — the acidic environment of the stomach with the third — local intestinal immunity. Unfortunately, the weakened body all these obstacles, it might not work. The wolf then fall again and mature individuals develop bowel.

Product life toxic the human body over time. In patients with fatigue increases, worsens, or conversely, improved appetite, headache visible. Digestive system is interrupted: visible abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and vomiting. Anal itching that may appear. Increased sensitivity to allergens result is a stormy life. The results were very sad — I hung up before the skin rash. Negative action of another wolf — this weakens the immune system.

intestinal worms treatment

Showing itself more?

Disease symptoms and the amount depends on the type of worm the worms, as well as individual reactions of the body of the Wolf. The first symptoms of infection from intestinal worms, impaired appetite, visible mild nausea, vomiting or excessive saliva, and stomach pain. Constipation alternating with diarrhea, a fast growing tiredness and fatigue, disturbed sleep. Following infection with intestinal worms (pinworms), patients uncomfortable itching, anus and perineum. Increases, that night and rest. Sometimes so strong that patient Awakens.

More dangerous?

Constipation, abdominal pain and bloating sudden a physician immediately. Such symptoms may indicate a bowel obstruction that occurs. Developing heavy helminthiasis nervous system disorders: long-term headache, dizziness, nervous tics. A ascariasis properties due to migration of the parasite paroxysmal cough is a symptom that can occur in the body a strong status like a wolf. Human intestinal worms symptoms are often different as a change in a skin skin.

Diagnostic worm infestation

Any suspected intestinal worms infection instead of self medication to consult a specialist necessarily. The diagnosis is confirmed fecal egg analysis is an ordinary. Cala intestinal worms eggs, your first analysis, a determination of not a person, however, the infection is likely to occur tests, repeated several times in a row.

How the Wolf treatment

Treatment for worms, intestinal worms special medicine that is used. Option remedies, intestinal worms, helminth identified depends on a certain kind of patient. Your doctor prescribed pills get rid of parasites. Intestinal worms treatment is done at home.

In humans, repeated negative test results for benchmark recovery cala eggs.